Best Practices for Naming and Organizing Power Automate Flows

Naming conventions powerautomate

As Power Automate developers, in the hustle of creating dozens of flows for a specific project, it's tempting to take shortcuts when it comes to naming. After all, the real magic happens in crafting those flow steps, right?

However, this approach, while convenient in the short term, can lead to a maze of vaguely named flows. It's like leaving breadcrumbs trails hoping you'll find your way back when needed. But reality often kicks in — memory lapses, project handovers, or team transitions. Suddenly, what seemed like a shortcut becomes a potential roadblock.

Below, we'll dive into some practical ways to infuse best practices into the art of naming, ensuring our flows not only make sense to us but also to anyone who might pick up the baton down the line. 

  1. Be Descriptive:  Clarity is paramount, opt for names that vividly describe the purpose or function. Avoid generic or ambiguous names that could be confusing to others. Example: Leave Request Notification Flow
  2. Include Key Information: Include relevant keywords or project names in the flow title. Consider adding information about the trigger or primary action the flow performs. Example: ProjectAlpha_Data_Export_Flow 
  3. Use Consistent Naming Conventions: Establish and follow a consistent naming convention across all flows. Consistency makes it easier for users to quickly understand and find the flows they need. Example: "ProcessName_FlowType" (e.g., "ExpenseApproval_Workflow")
  4. Keep it Concise: Aim for a concise and focused flow name without unnecessary details. Shorter names are easier to read and work with. Example: NewEmployee_Onboarding_Flow
  5. Avoid Special Characters and Spaces: Stick to alphanumeric characters and underscores. Avoid using spaces or special characters that may cause issues in URLs or other systems.
  6. Include Version Numbers if Necessary: If your flows undergo frequent updates, consider adding version numbers to track changes (e.g., "v1," "v2").
  7. Prioritize Readability: Ensure that flow names are easily readable and understandable by team members who may not be familiar with the specifics of the flow.⁠ Example: "WeeklyReport_Generation_Flow"
  8. Group Similar Flows Together: If you have multiple flows related to a specific process or project, consider using a common prefix to group them together. Example: "ProjectXYZ_*" (e.g., "ProjectXYZ_Invoice_Generation_Flow")
  9. Think Long-Term: Anticipate future needs when naming flows. Choose names that will remain relevant and meaningful as the project evolves.⁠ Example: "ProductLaunch_Communication_Flow"
  10. Avoid Personal References: Refrain from using personal names or references in flow names. opt for terms that are universally understood within the team or organization. Instead of: "TeamCalendar_Event_Notification_Flow," consider a more descriptive alternative like "ProjectXYZ_Calendar_Reminder_Flow."
  11. Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review flow names and update them if the flow's functionality or purpose changes.
  12. Maintain Order: After completing testing for a flow, it's essential to tidy up. Delete or deactivate the test flows to prevent simultaneous triggers, ensuring a streamlined workflow.

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